You Know This - Scavenger Hunt
I love scavenger hunts!
Just the other day we were talking about Easter Egg Hunts, and I remembered how my mom would create a scavenger hunt for us. She would put clues in each egg and hide them, leading us from one egg to the next. The final egg would send us to the "treasure"... our Easter baskets full of candy and toys.
This reminded me of when my grandma used to create scavenger hunts for us whenever we would come over to her house. They were usually a lot easier (she loved to let us cheat at any game) but also super fun. The treasure was always that nasty gum in the milk cartons.
Today, my friend Luke decided to create another scavenger hunt for me. Not quite the same as usual, but he hid random post-it notes all around my desk. I'm just waiting to find the treasure now!
I'll bet your Grandma's scavenger hunts were VERY different from Luke's treasures...
Friday, July 11, 2008
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