You Know This - 3 Days and Counting...
Well, today is day 3 sans Starbucks. This may not seem like that big of a deal, but it is definitely revealing my true addiction. I feel like I have a radar for Starbucks and they are just popping up on every corner!
But, if Jesus can go 3 days without life, I can go 3 days without Starbucks, right?
But, if Jesus can go 3 days without life, I can go 3 days without Starbucks, right?
You should just make starbucks coffee at home, that is what I do, I never buy anything at starbucks unless i have a starbucks card.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
A few days ago, I also decided I wanted to give up Starbucks. Yesterday, I bought my own espresso machine from Target. Is that cheating?
Saturday, November 29, 2008
You can do it. :)
Saturday, November 29, 2008
you know if i was there this would never work right??
Sunday, November 30, 2008
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