Monday, May 26, 2008

You Know This - Glass Toe

No, this blog post is not about an actual glass toe, although that would be kinda cool in a creepy sort of way...

So, last Monday we went down to the beach in San Clemente with Zack and Pease...super fun and all! When I returned home I realized that I had a cut on my toe. I thought it may be a splinter, so (in typical Bethany fashion) I made Zack inspect the incision. He said it looked like a blood blister that was pretty swollen. Made sense being that I had scorched my feet walking through the sand in the 109 degree weather that day. (He also preyed on my gullibility by telling me that I needed to get a tetanus shot or else I could lose my big toe, but that's a whole nother story).

Over the next 4 days, every time I hit that exact spot on my toe, pain went shooting up my right leg. I felt like I was over-reacting, as did everyone around me each time I talked about my toe.
I tend to be a hypochondriac, so I assumed it was all in my head.

On Friday night, I decided that 5 days of pain was quite enough, so I took things into my own hands. After much squeezing, prodding, pinching, and cutting, I finally got the results I was looking for...a small piece of glass came out of my toe!

Allison and Zack, I will be waiting for the apologies as well as a bit of sympathy for my 5 days of pain!


Blogger MamaSue said...

OhMyPoorLittleBaby! Mama would have held you and rocked you and sung to you and told you stories about when you were teeny tiny. Mama would have searched and searched until the Evil Glass Shard was found and removed. Mama would have marched around the room holding the Shard in the air like a mighty white hunter proclaiming victory over all things Evil and Glass. Mama would have painted a happy face on your toe with the sting-y red methyolate, given you a blue bandaid, and wrapped you in the fuzzy blanket. Then Mama would have sat with you in her lap and listen as you told her over and over about how terrible it all had been.

Allison and Zack have a lot to learn about mothering.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Blogger Allison said...

I'm so sorry! I totally thought you were just being a baby! I owe you an in-person apology...which I will gladly give in a few days!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Blogger Krista said...

If you really did get tetnus and lost your toe, maybe you could get a glass prosthetic toe!

Thursday, May 29, 2008


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