Tuesday, May 20, 2008

You Know This - Space Cadet

I have been a total space cadet these days. I don't know what's wrong with me! A few examples...
- I asked Matt Hall if higher elevation = colder weather... which explains the snow on top of the mountains
- I asked Allison if adding more coffee to a drink would make it taste coffee-er... just the word coffee-er is stupid
- I tried to teach myself how to do the moon-walk and ended up hurting my big toe
- I continually say stupid things out in public (which may just be a Bethany trait)
- I just used a knife at Allison's house to cut a lime and then I put it back in the drawer...still covered in lime juice

So, on Monday night I went to Disneyland with a bunch of friends. As we were sitting on The Tower of Terror, listening to the hostess lady give us a few last instructions, I started doing the robot. I wasn't even aware that I was doing said dance move until Zack turned to me and said, "Are you doing the robot?" Right then the hostess lady pointed out my amazing moves to the rest of the people on the ride!


Blogger MamaSue said...

wow, Zack really enjoys this ride, doesn't he?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Blogger nat said...

No, B, remember you are only Space and I'm Cadet...or wait, was it the other way around?!?!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Blogger Allison said...

Hilarious...I love doing the robot!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


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