You Know This - Am I Really That Desperate?
I never really thought of myself as someone who gets desperate - or even worse - acts upon those desperate feelings. But tonight I proved myself wrong.
Finishing the season finale of Heroes season 2, I went online to start watching season 3. I had seen it on Hulu a few weeks ago, so I wasn't worried about it. But, sadly, I found that they only have episodes 4 - 7. So I went onto and found the same results. YouTube...Google Video...Yahoo Video ::
Finally, I found this...
Yep, it's a foreign website!
Thank you! Please don't give my computer a virus!
It should be set to tivo at the house...a season pass...minus Japanese subtitles (unless Hiro is talking)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I have all 7 episodes on my DVR untouched. I'm just saying.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
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