Friday, September 14, 2007

You Know This - PEZ

My roommate Kim and I are watching the Travel Channel right now and they are doing a special on the deliciously pressed, dry, brick shaped candy...PEZ. Here are some fun facts that I just learned:

The word PEZ derives from the German word Pfefferminz, which means peppermint.
My Opinion: PEZ is way more fun to say...and easier to spell.

PEZ was originally marketed as a compressed peppermint candy for adults.
My Opinion: I really hope it originally came in the figurine PEZ dispensers too. I would love to see a schnazzy businessman pull back on a Tweety Bird PEZ head and offer a mint to his coworker.

PEZ dispensers originally cost 25 cents. Refill PEZ packs were 5 cents.
My Opinion: I would eat a whole lot more PEZ if it still cost 25 cents.

The most a collector has ever paid for a PEZ dispenser is $11,000.00.
My Opinion: First of all - RIDICULOUS! Second - The most I would ever pay for a PEZ dispenser is $1.50. And I would have to be really craving some PEZ.

There is a Museum of PEZ Memorabilia just outside of San Francisco.
My Opinion: PEZ I come!

Thank you Travel Channel for the useless information. I always appreciate it!

Number of times I got to type PEZ... 15


Blogger Allison said...

You love Pez...I don't love it enough to watch an entire show on it...but I do love you enough to read your entire blog on it.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Blogger Brent said...

I love Pez. I have a collection.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


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