You Know This - Arnold Palmer Iced Tee
Anybody who has ever eaten at a restaurant with me already know this...
I absolutely LOVE Arnold Palmer's! For those of you who have not heard about this delicious beverage, it is the perfect mix of Iced Tea and Lemonade. The name of the beverage comes from some golfer whom I had never heard until ordering him at every restaurant. (I once ordered a Robert Palmer by mistake...apparently that day I was addicted to love, not iced tea...rather embarassing but that's a different story). From what I hear, Arnold Palmer is a living legend in the golf world.

So, the other day I found that Arizona Iced Tea is now making this drink in a can! Exciting? Here's what I thought...
No me gusta! It mostly tasted like metal. Arnold, I'm so sorry they botched your beverage!
Oh my goodness, I almost died when you ordered the Robert Palmer! The best part was the look on the servers face. Kinda like the face you made in that last picture. Something just isn't quite right.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
The addicted to love joke is hilarious. Also, Albertsons and Ralph's sell Arnold Palmer in cartons and it's amazing. They even have LoCal, which i always get.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
That iced tea container is bigger than your face!
Too bad it was sick! It's enough to last all day!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
They should have chosen a younger picture of Arnold Palmer for the can. I think they'd sell more that way...
Monday, January 28, 2008
my picture taking skills are impecable. =)
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
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