Saturday, August 2, 2008

You Know This - Camp by Numbers

1 - girl in my cabin committed her life to Christ
1 - pair of leggings for 80s day
1 - ah-ha moment for myself
2 - devotions on the fly that were better than the actual devotion
3 - camp workers thinking I was a jr. higher
3 - actual meals
4 - servings of jalepeno poppers
5 - minutes of yelling "oh" for our final team cheer
6 - friends from Riverside
8 - bowls of cereal
8 - games of silent football
8 - iced mochas
11 - girls in my cabin
15 - games of egyptian rat slap
18 - bruises on my body
23 - total hours of sleep
1,000,000 - amazing memories

I'll put up some pictures soon.


Blogger MamaSue said...

Ahh, youth camp. How well I remember the sleep deprivation! How much I miss the privilege of watching kids embrace their own personal walk with God! Can't wait to hear all about it.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Blogger Ange said...

1. I don't understand why you yelled "Oh" for 5 min.
2. If someone plays football and nobody hears him, does he make a sound?
3. Luke told me a few stories -- sounds so fun!

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Blogger Bethany said...

The "OH" cheer was because our team name was "yellow". So we had our cutest, smallest little 7th grade boy go out to the middle and say, "We're the yellow team and we're gonna yell oh!" Followed by the entire team just standing there yelling, "oh."

Very obviously a David Hughes original.

Saturday, August 02, 2008


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