You Know This - Loves It
Thank you for this treat, David Hughes! You're the best!
I have 12 little piles of laundry that I am trying to tackle today. It amazes me that I could let it get this far without doing a single load. But even more amazing, I can't believe I have enough clothes to still get by without wearing the dirty ones. Maybe it's time to take a trip to the Buffalo Exchange.
This weekend in Wildside we decided to shake things up a bit. Instead of Kurt teaching a typical lesson, we let the students write out questions for Kurt to answer. Everything was in real time, allowing for the kids to think of things as we were going. Talk about amazing! Not only did these students have some great difficult questions, but Kurt did such a good job at thoroughly and honestly answering them. At the end of each service, Kurt asked the students if they want to do the same format next week or if we should just start another series. 99.5% of the students raised their hand for the questions - which just goes to show you how hungry this generation of kids is for some truth.
This morning I found the Top 100 All-Time Worldwide Box Office list on iMDb. Not gonna lie, some of the movies actually surprised me that they were on there(cough - the simpson's movie)! Here's the top 10...
Dear Grey's Anatomy,